Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just the Fax

It is a Sunday Morning in Pontiac Michigan. I am hanging out with my dad for the day, and we are pulling into the parking lot next to Sam’s club.
I am about to get out of the truck, when my dad says:

“Oh my god.” Look over there.”

“What, I say.”

“Dustin Hoffman just got into that mini van.”

“What would Dustin Hoffman be doing in Pontiac on a Sunday morning, getting into a crappy mini van?”

“ Well, maybe he’s buying fax paper.”


  1. Gotta go with you on that not sure why Pontiac ( Maybe he wanted to make the day a bit more exciting then a sunday in Pontiac!
    but as Morgan would say..." Mom he is easy on the eyes!"
    not Dustin but who ever she has a crush on at the time..

  2. I wish that photo was a picture of Dustin Hoffman that you just HAPPENED to have with you at Sam's Club. What luck! Now you can get an autograph!

  3. Kelly, Now, that's entertaining. Thank you.

  4. Well we know it wasn't Rain Man because he only shops at Kmart :)

  5. Cute story, Kelly, and hahaha @ Kathleen - he's probably 'an excellent driver.' ;)

  6. Why couldn't Dustin Hoffman be in Pontiac?
