Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Once in a Blue Moon

       Mike told me a little bit today about his first management job at GM as a foreman on the frame line. On the first day into his new job, a man in a shirt and tie was retching in the parking lot.   He told Mike that he had just quit this morning and was going to work at SeaRay boats. "What was your job here?' The terse reply, "Forman on the frame line". I guess you could call it an exit interview.
        Heading to work some months later, Mike opted to bypass his new job and just keep driving. One hundred miles down the road, he was in the Blue Moon Bar, settling down for a brew, safe and secure. The phone rings, "Is Mike Quinlan here?", the bartender queries. Unbelievable! His wife Carol continues on the line, "GM has been looking for you all morning!"
        Next morning the secretary hails him into the office, "The superintendent wants to see you.The superintendent spins around in his big leather chair, "Where were you yesterday?"  Face to face the conversation is short "In a bar." The super taps his wooden pencil against the desk several time, "Next time, take me with you."


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