Monday, June 28, 2010

The weakest link...

And I was not!

I spent the last three days floating down the Colorado river- and landed in Utah. This entire excursion began one Friday night, at one of my favorite Irish pubs downtown. I was meeting my good friend Candice and her boyfriend and his large group of friends. Every year this crew plans what they call a "float trip" and this year- the title FT-ONE-ZERO! (float trip 2010...maybe?).

Later finding out this all started about 7 years ago- when some of them decided to take their extensive tail gating skills- and throw the Colorado river into the mix. Thus, the hybrid of tail gating for three days on a boat was born. So after Candice showing me pictures of this while we were drinking wine one night "I have no idea how I am going to handle ALL of these people I barley know all on my own"- Candice's plea to me.- Three glasses deep- "Sure- I'll go"- was my response.

Friday a week before the trip- she lands me at my favorite Irish pub- with the "float crew" (That's not a self proclaimed nickname- I gave them that one)- and a couple of beers later- I have the organizer of said event telling me- this is the trip of a lifetime. You only live once- so why not do it up. I sat for a second- and thought... well I suppose this captain is correct. And I agreed.

The only visualization my brain would allow me to come up with was that of the Ausable River. Which was completely misleading and just down right mean of my brain to lead me. You can fit wave runners on this river- and it's over 10 feet deep. The morning of the trip while us "float crew" (I am now including myself... so I suppose you can call it a self proclaimed nickname) are all congregated around the boats- Captain passes out waivers- Even though he was the one luring me in with this "trip of a lifetime" business- he is no longer responsible for my life.

FT-ONE-ZERO crew had this art down to a science. We had four groups of 6 or more- and we each had rotating duties- one night you would unload the boats, set up camp, cook dinner, wash dishes, and alternate duties everyday. I heard all these whispers of girls of past years "Oh... you remember Brittany, she would never do her share"- so out of sheer fear of being the next Brittany- I hauled ass to get all of my chores done, so I would not be talked about during FT-ONE-ONE (float trip 2011...duh)

But captain stood correct, well minus the stress of the rapids, and the duties, and people saying.."ugh- that Brittany er I mean Tiffany last year" I had worried about. This actually WAS the trip of a lifetime. I spent 3 beautiful days on the Colorado river, boating among canyons and black rocks. I had no cell phone nor purse to worry about- or even showering for that matter. I felt like I was on that show Survivor- and I had my own very team- and we had our very own team name-"It just taste so good when it hits your lips"- not the shortest of names nor the easiest to pronounce when asked- what team are you apart of ? But hey- if my team captain wanted to pay homage to his favorite line from the movie Wedding Crashers... who was Brittany to stop him?

I arrived home last night around 10:30- and took a 45 minute shower. I was covered from head to toe in dirt and bruises, which distinguishing between the two was rather difficult and not to mention painful. (UGH - that has to be dirt- scrubbing for 10 minutes- oh... must be a bruise)

Coming back to this "concrete jungle" of the city. I wanted to walk into the office this morning and say "TEAM: JUST TASTE SO GOOD WHEN IT HITS YOUR LIPS... REPORTING FOR DUTY! SIR" to my manager- but I feared the joke may be lost on him- I just replied with your typical good morning and "hot enough out there for ya".


  1. See? SEE? THIS is why I wanted my family involved in such a project! I am so proud of my little sister for so many reasons:

    1. you're part of a boat crew?
    2. you're not the next Brittany for FT-ONE-ONE
    3. you took a shower when you got back? Couldn't you have stretched it out one more day?
    4. you're a wonderful, funny writer and I didn't correct any spelling or grammar for you. You go, girl!

  2. Yes! Sir! too many TQ's in this fam!

  3. P.P.S. Utah? Shouldn't you have ended up in Vegas, just a couple of hours away?

  4. HA! I WANT TO DO THIS. WITH YOU. I love you. And I love the morning salutations we always say at "the office." Depending on the weather, I say, "I can get used to this!" or "It's nutty out there." Re-reading this, I really hate my office-self.

  5. I too am impressed. There you are out there changing the world and lives of go Tiff! WOW...truly impressed.
