Monday, June 28, 2010

Wow....I made it in and now I'm tongue tied....Geez, I didn't think I could do it. Umm...famous advice I watched my Dad give Patrick Quinlan at the Moose family center one night after Patrick had drank a few too many and was getting a bit....umm loud....Dad leaned over and said, "Be careful not to out drink your personality" Good advice to live by for sure.


  1. Was that your Patrick? Or mine? (I think mine outdrank his personality the one and only time he was in the Moose).

    I'm so happy you figured this out, Kathleen - I knew you could do it!

  2. Wait a minute...maybe it's that damn Moose club. It was my Patrick that time but I am seeing a pattern here. That's will find me at the Elk's by Friday.

  3. Kathleen,
    wow, impressive trip.. you kicked ass.. raising a family shouldn't be hard at all after that!
    love EQ

  4. I knew you could do it! I love according to those words, by the way.
